Black Burger Buns at BurgerLab

Black Burger Buns at BurgerLab

 Having charcoal buns..Sounds weird no? But, it tastes sooooooo good. BurgerLab, situated right outside of Sunway University's gate, offers variety flavours of burgers with their signature charcoal buns. Yes, you heard it right, CHARCOAL BUNS. Apparently, charcoal buns are a healthier, according to They stated that charcoal have more than 400 kinds of minerals and hundreds of medicinal benefits and effects for our health. It absorbs harmful matters including bad smell particles simultaneously and also, generates negative ions. Negative ions begin to work in the parasympathetic nervous system, which relaxes the mind and body.

 Picture above is a set meal from BurgerLab. The burger is called 'Beautiful Mess' in the menu. Each set comes with a burger, french fries and refillable water. It has a sunny side up egg, beef patty (you can opt for chicken too!), veggies, and other yummy ingredients too. The sauce provided is amazing, especially the orange coloured sauce. It goes very well with the fries that are tossed with herbs. One bite of everything is like a symphony in the mouth. Amazing flavours. BurgerLabs around Klang Valley are open at 5pm-10pm.

It was too yummy, had to take away another! (trust me and go try one)

For Sunway BurgerLab outlet, they are open during lunch hour (to accommodate students around the area). They offer burgers, hot dogs, and you can also opt for their delicious potato salad instead of having their yummy french fries. The burger above is called 'Say Cheese', where the burger is for people who likes their food to be plain jane. It has a patty, fried cheese, veggies and their scrumptious sauce. For the hot dog, it was a spicy chicken hot dog with pineapple and mushroom.

 Though, for people who doesn't feel like eating burger, BurgerLab offers salad too! Their salad are called 'Margikarp salad'. The Margikap salad has mixed salad Greens topped with Smoked Salmon, Pumpkin Seeds, Charcoal Croutons, and a 'Perfect' egg, paired with an Italian Salmon Dressing. 

BurgerLab has a website for you to find more information on them:

Rating for BurgerLab: 9/10
Price: RM5-RM20 (very very affordable!)

By: Farina


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