Typical Asian Chinese Cuisine

Typical Asian Chinese Cuisine

Mouth-watering not? It is the typical Asian Chinese Cuisine. Traditionally, in China, people who go to restaurant will definitely order 8 types of dishes and 1 soup. As you can see above, there are 8 types of dishes and 1 soup of course, Normally, Chinese will be having this kind of dinner or meals during gatherings such as family gathering, teachers and students gathering to update one another's life. Photo shown above is a gathering between an art teacher and some of his graduated students. Everyone was smiling so happily.

First of all, they served the maw soup and then the rice is following after it. After that, they served other dishes which just looked exactly as the pictures shown above. Most of the dishes they served are the popular one such as salad prawn, minced pork taufu, sweet and sour fish and some chicken. Their taste is so nice that you will come back again and again. After the dinner, dessert sure will be coming along with it which is the longan taufu.

It is the chef recommended dessert in this restaurant. It is just so perfect as an ending for the dinner of the night. Yes, after eating so much, one will definitely feel very full but he or she must be very enjoying the dinner and all stuffs. After all, communicating and chit chatting of course will come before the food as it is a gathering. Anyway, I rated this for 9/10 as the dessert is my favourite!! Well, that's the end of the day. 

By: Cherry


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