Nothing's like Sangkaya's Coconut Ice-Cream

Nothing's like Sangkaya's Coconut Ice-Cream

From a small stall connected with Kapten (steamboat shop in SS15, Subang Jaya), into a franchise around Klang Valley, Sangkaya is now famous for its coconut ice cream. Why is it famous? 
Because they produce their own coconut ice cream, which is incredibly smooth and creamy to your taste buds. If you aren't a fan of coconut, this may change your mind. You'll probably get mind blown on how good this taste like (like seriously).

This is from Sangkaya Sunway Pyramid (it's situated under an escalator). Got a picture of their menu which had grown tremendously from just selling coconut ice cream. They sell two types of ice cream now, the 'coconut ice cream' (which is their best seller, duh?) and 'cha yen ice cream' which the coconut ice cream is infused with Thai milk tea. They sell it in a cone with two scoops for RM3.10, in a cup with three scoops for RM7.30 and their signature which is presented in a coconut shell with six scoops of their delicious ice cream for RM10.50. The prices are actually not pretty bad for some artisan ice cream (comparing to Haagen Dazs and the others okay). Frankly, they do not charge for the topping cause its a do-it-yourself topping thing (you can see a photo below of what that meant). Not only ice cream they are selling, now they are also selling chendol, coconut water (from opening the coconut shell that they are gonna use for their signature ice cream), the 'real' coconut shake (this is unbelievably delicious, YOU HAVE TO TRY IT) and bottled R.O. water which has their label on it haha.

Rating for Sangkaya: 9/10
Price: RM 4-11 (not bad for an after meal dessert)

By: Farina


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