Something to try out that will send you reminiscing of Japan.

Something to try out that will send you reminiscing of Japan.

Craving for green tea or sushi? Okonomi is one of the best places to satisfy your green tea cravings. One of their famous green tea food on the menu is their unique matcha lava cake. Their molten is made from white chalet that tasted something like egg yolk. Along with matcha chocolate sticks, sprinkled with sugar, decorated with strawberry and vanilla ice cream at the side. We dig into the scrumptious looking green dessert by slicing open the lava cake. The molten flowed out smoothly and gently from the crack. Somehow everyone was excited to catch the 'opening ceremony' of slicing the lava cake and watch the molten flow. After the lava cake, it definitely made us all eager to try it out the next green tea item that is the matcha ice-cream. It looks simple but don't be fool by the plain looks. 
All in all, their green tea quality and taste is definitely to die for. Moreover, their price range for matcha desserts and beverages is lower than Nana's green tea and they also serve sushi that is freshly made upon order. Customers are also allowed the choice to mix and match their sushi up to 40 varieties of fillings. Okonomi has only one outlet currently at Solaris Publika. One would be quite surprise by the clean design of a contemporary Japanese cafe, strategic location, really good food, cheerful ambiance and suitable price for Publika's crowd.

By: Jia Yi


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