Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

I came from Tawau, Sabah, which is located at the East Malaysia. I always wanted to go home whenever there is holidays. I miss my family so badly!! Who don't miss home when you are so far from home, right? And, now is the mid term break, without any hesitation, I bought the ticket to go back to my hometown and it took me 2 hours 45 minutes to reach my destination. I prayed so hard that the plane could land at Tawau airport as fast as possible as I couldn't wait to see my family and have family time with them! Also, I miss homely dishes and rice!!

I believe that everyone who is studying or working far away from their own home would miss their family and homely dishes very badly as they are full of family's love and free of charges !! Here, I'm gonna introduce my homely dishes to you all. There are steamed fish, prawn with ginger and rice wine made by mommy and some vegetables with egg. They are not dainties or any kinds of costly food but they are heavenly taste food for me !!

Every time before I came back, my mom always ask me what dishes I wanted to eat and she prepared everything and cooked for me when I'm back. I was feeling so touched that I promised myself I'm gonna be a better person and take good care of my family !! I love soup very much and my grandmom always prepare her ABC soup when we visit her during weekends. I really love my family so so much !! Words cant express nor describe how much I love them but actions will do !!


Also, I told my daddy I wanted to eat crab very badly. The next day after I came back, daddy brought us to the seafood restaurant which is near to the beach. This restaurant is well known for their seafood and many foreigner, even locals love to come here for it especially the seafood lovers. Here, we ordered sweet and sour crab, black pepper fish internal as well as salt and pepper Mantis shrimp!! Not forgetting to order some vegetables as well. They are really super nice and the price is reasonable for it !! So much grateful that I born in this family. Although they are not rich, but they gave me everything they have!! Chu mi Mommy!! Chu Mi Daddy !! Chu mi All !! <3

By: Cherry


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